Apr 20th 2022

Tanda – Radicalizing Human Resource: Shifting white-supremacy based practices, systems, expectations and culture to a care-based model – Alden Burke

In all of my roles–Annas, Chicago Arts Census, Design for America–my work centers around a foundational question: How might behavioral and structural practices of care, collaboration, and the commons inform group dynamics in our working dynamics?

An initial understanding of these questions led me to believe that a proposed methodology of using care, commons, and collaboration to create healthier labor conditions and practices would vary based on the size, scale, values, and goals for each organization. My research hopes to uncover foundational pillars of this work that might serve as anchors for these organizations. They include (in no particular order as of right now):

(1) Trust-Based Networks: The individual and group relationships with a foundation of trust that affect the way we live and labor.This includes but is not limited to:
(2) Sustainable Labor Practice: Laws, regulations, structures, and habits that contribute to healthy and sustainable livelihoods, both at work and in our personal lives.
(3)Shared Ambition and Values: Organization values and goals align with personal values, goals, and convictions:
(4) Equitable Power Structures: Shifting the focus on short-term programmatic band-aides (i.e. implicit bias training, employee affinity groups) to practices that address larger system inequalities.

Join us in a Tanda session to share conversations, resources, and knowledge.

Zoom registration link: https://tinyurl.com/2fbxzpe4

Tanda is a cohort program that aids individuals with their research and practice through self-directed and collective learning. It is a program providing time and space to gather, share, think and exchange conversations, resources, and knowledge on participants’ chosen topics and practices.

Sessions are virtual, free and open to the public.
Closed captioning available
For more information on the Tanda program, please visit chuquimarca.com/tanda

Alden Burke (she/her) is a Chicago-based educator, facilitator, and writer. Currently, she is thinking about modes of introduction, radicalizing HR practices, and free-writing in five-minute paragraphs. Generally, her work centers around supporting collaborative making, process-based work, care in administrative practices, creative sustainability and the question “What are we going to learn from one another?” Alden is the Co-Founder of Annas, the head of People + Culture at Design for America, and a Lead Organizer for the Chicago Arts Census.

Chuquimarca is an art library project tasked to gather and share resources related to Native, Caribbean, and Latin American art histories and contemporary art. Chuquimarca is based in Chicago.

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